Apogee Energy – Quality Assurance

Apogee Energy has adopted a quality assurance policy covering all of the business’ activity.

1. Quality Assurance Policy- Purpose
1.1 Apogee Energy’s Quality Assurance Policy describes a strategic approach to quality management and continual improvement with a strong commitment to quality and excellence.
1.2 Apogee Energy has developed its Quality Assurance Policy to ensure:
• The alignment of people and resources is guided by our company Vision;
• The alignment our quality, privacy and risk management policies, and their integration into all areas of what we do;
• There is continual improvement and innovation.
2. Scope
2.1 The Quality Management Policy supports the development of a quality culture in which all staff assume responsibility for quality and engage in quality management within all operations of the business.
2.2 The Quality Assurance Policy has been aligned with Australian and New Zealand Standard AS/NZS ISO 9001:2008 (Quality Management Systems) and AS/NZS ISO 9004:2009 (A Quality Management Approach).
3. Quality and Risk Framework
3.1 Our Quality and Risk Framework aligns our quality and risk activities and is embedded within all areas of the business’s operations.

Figure 1-Apogee Energy-Quality Assurance Framework

4. Quality Management Cycle
4.1 The Quality Management Cycle consists of Plan-Implement-Review-Improve (PIRI) and further strengthens our focus on continual improvement and innovation. It is a cyclical system for ongoing review and improvement and outlines the organisational characteristics that are essential to achieve quality and sustained success.
4.2 Plan – This includes all planning. Goals and targets are developed that clearly align with the company vision. Considerations may include:
• Analysis of the internal and external environment in order to understand the broader sector and market developments;
• Engagement with relevant stakeholders to understand their needs and expectations and ensure a client focused approach.; and
• Creating a risk-aware culture, where risk and risk management are seen as positive attributes of decision-making and result in the identification of both opportunities and risks.
4.2 Implement – Apogee Energy’s resources, systems and processes are developed, deployed and coordinated in order to support the achievement of the business’s goals and targets. Considerations may include:
• The appropriate distribution and utilisation of the business’s resources;
• The proactive management of the business’s systems and processes to ensure they are effective and efficient;
• A strong culture and commitment to service excellence to ensure consistency and quality of service standards and efforts; and
• The analysis of risks and subsequent implementation of treatments to mitigate the impact of identified risks.
4.3 Review –The University monitors its performance and progress at all levels in order to determine whether the established goals and targets have been met. Considerations may include:
• Ongoing analysis and reporting of data and information to measure and evaluate the business’s performance and progress in achieving the established goals and targets;
• Undertaking benchmarking activities in order to identify and analyse best practice, both internally and externally, in order to improve the business’s performance;
• Regular audit and compliance activities, undertaken by both internal and external stakeholders and agencies, to monitor and review the business’s performance as well as its compliance with relevant standards and legislation; and
• The evaluation of risks and the effectiveness of existing treatments in mitigating both strategic and operational risks.
4.4 Improve – Apogee Energy identifies opportunities and areas for improvement, which drives its commitment to excellence, continual improvement and innovation. Considerations may include:
• Ongoing improvement and innovation, particulalry in the areas of business improvement and information technology
• Using the outcomes of the review stage, such as analysis and reporting of data, to ensure decision-making is evidence-based ; and
• Effective risk minimisation through existing and future treatments to ensure the impacts are minimised or reduced as far as practicably possible.
5. Roles and Responsibilities
5.1 The intent and application of the Quality Assurance Policy is embedded within the work of all employees and contractors.
5.2 The Managing Director is responsible for providing oversight of quality management within the business.
5.3 All employees are responsible for ensuring that the Quality Assurance Policy is communicated, understood and implemented for their respective areas.
5.4 Contractors are responsible for full participation and engagement, with adhering to
the quality assurance policy.
6. Review
6.1 Apogee Energy will review its policies on an ongoing basis to confirm they adhere to industry best practice.